Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Redirection/Progress Finally!

So, I had good intentions when I started this blog, but after going back to work and life getting busy, my best intentions quickly fell by the wayside.  Another huge project we're doing this summer is an addition on our house.  We're almost doubling to square footage from  650 to 1025!  So I'm thinking that until I've got more free time I'm just going to redirect this to the process of an addition and remodel.  I'll keep things design oriented, I plan on posting my design ideas for each space and follow through to the installation and completion of each space.  That way it'll show the entire design process applied to an actual project.

So here's what we started with at the end of winter. 7 years of junk on the little deck and lots of work to do.

A few weeks ago, things finally worked out for Mark (my husband) to do some work on it.  So he started by cleaning up the yard and pulling off the deck.  Thankfully his parents came over and helped him because he was going to do it board by board (which would've taken forever).  So they hooked the tractor up and away the deck went.

We got our building permit, we found someone to dig footings (for a steal!) and I learned what batter boards are.  We laid out the footings and marked them in blue spray paint.  So excited to get home from work tomorrow, by the time I get home the footings should be dug and ready for concrete.  

(do you like Mark's little picture he drew?)

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